0000007166 00000 n Terminals are available for both inputs and outputs. ( 0000001694 00000 n Omron and car makers or companies related to automotive confirm relay specifications and actual using condition to use relays safely. RS-232/422 and RS-485 Data Cables Selection Guide and Cross-Reference Connection Systems DINnectors: Specifying a Terminal Block System DINnectors: Cross reference for Allen-Bradley DINnectors: Cross reference for Entrelec DINnectors: Cross reference for Phoenix Contact DINnectors: Cross reference for Weidmuller 0 ( Cross reference | OMRON Electronic Components - Americas Cross reference Search by entering the model and selecting a search method. Site Footer. j /Width 1732 /Height 235 600 VDC, 50 A High Capacity Power Relay with Bidirectional Switching, 1 pA max. 0000049730 00000 n rating omron part no. %PDF-1.3 % Please remove any special characters (dashes, hypens, etc.) Phone: (800) 238-7474 ( 0000076159 00000 n !(!0*21/*.-4;K@48G9-.BYBGNPTUT3? xref 0000001118 00000 n Feedback ID Link for Safety Precautions for All Automotive RelaysDC Power Relay Common Precautions. 2248 28 0000008153 00000 n <> Cross Point Switch using MAQ20-DORLY20 Module The MAQ20 relay module, MAQ20-DORLY20, contains 20 relays that may be wired as a 4x5 cross point switch as shown on this page. [Webinar!] TEL: +1-954-788-5889, Im Mohrengarten 165558 Isselbach RuppenrodDeutschlandTEL: +49 6439 5704071, Song Chuan | Panasonic | Tyco | Omron | Fuitsu | American Zettler | Hongfa. xb```b`` 2AX,;:5dh``X9"%GFY#Q$PQPAPBP Xt2:Ks%0s ~|ZV20h%gXp1 from Omrons Electronic & Mechanical Components Division and a handy cross-reference guide to relays and switches on the back cover foldout. 8 0 obj References Phuc Loc. Macromatics extensive online Competitive Cross Reference lists over 10,000 relays cross-referenced to Macromatic models. %PDF-1.7 xref 0000001856 00000 n Omron basically can not support for individual customers. Omron and car makers or companies related to automotive confirm relay specifications and actual using condition to use relays safely. Omron and car makers or companies related to automotive confirm relay specifications and actual using condition to use relays safely. Relays Relays With more than 225 unique relay categories, Standard and Intermotor are your go-to source for a full line of accessory and electronic relay solutions that match the OE for fit, form, and function. finder relay conversion chart finder part no. 507HT Low Profile 17A PCB Relay. 0000000856 00000 n 0000002566 00000 n Stabilization and High accuracy of detection and Measurement, Selling for car makers and companies related to Automotive, Selling for NO car makers or companies NOT related to automotive, and individual customers, Safety Precautions for All Automotive Relays, Low Capacity Between Terminals Low on Resistance Types, Ultra Subminiature Basic Switches (J-Size), Small Pushbutton Switches/Small Indicator, Crimped MIL Connector Sockets for Discrete Wires, Easy-wire Connectors for Industrial Components, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connector, Light Convergent Reflective Sensors/Diffuse Reflective Sensors, Solution for Printed Circuit Board Designers, Light Convergent and Light Diffuse Reflective Sensor's Application, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connectors, Mirror surface, Black, Transparent object detection, Flow rate, Wind speed, Differential pressure detection, Electronic Solutions for the Energy Market, The Ultimate Gaming Mouse for Professional Gamers, RoHS compliance status / Certificate of Non-inclusion download, Link for Safety Precautions for All Automotive Relays. d#4a@[?y4}&P".5Jp&9ZG,#U]F;VxsSFPOjQ cTyQv@E';Vm>[U%?Jqq@. /Subtype /Image 0000001856 00000 n 2250 0 obj<>stream /ColorSpace /DeviceRGB Kawasaki 99994-0556 - KIT-ACCESSORY,RELAY : Babbitts Kawasaki Partshouse. Y'#9mrY/aY0-'#g$"WZq-'wMG\\ K,XT68[dU chi%&g h4'2pvJU9/(BF` 9JS%r=&H/iEHs@fT%Q~A!w:u!RDPH#&C4XGGwC@cNi$*St6D %h;ix3ZtJh4/UsgJ"t.Vc" Our global operations offer optimal product solutions that address customers unmet needs. Miniaturized package (reduced footprint and height) L x W x H = 15.5 x 15.0 x 16.4 mm nominal 280-terminal type Full automated assembly Looking for specific info? JFIF ` ` C Please slide to verify. 0000050343 00000 n 0000001828 00000 n Searching. <]>> 0000001828 00000 n /Filter /DCTDecode trailer OMRON uses cutting-edge manufacturing technology to contribute to superior functionality, precision, and miniaturization in a variety of fields. 1 piece (Min Order) CN Changsha Zhinian Automation Equipment Co., Ltd. <]>> Copyright OMRON Corporation 2023 All Rights Reserved. It is the user's responsibility to decide whether or not to use the product. Introducing the best OMRON products for the energy industry. 0000075923 00000 n Cross Reference Lean more Standards Certification Lean more OMRON uses cutting-edge manufacturing technology to contribute to superior functionality, precision, and #H1*0R> /Length 33176 0000001694 00000 n Basically, Omron can not sell our automotive relays for NO car maker or companies NOT related to automotive. Omron basically can not support for individual customers. When you consider using our automotive relays or see our catalogue, please confirm our Safety Precautions for All Automotive Relays in advance. When you consider using our automotive relays or see our catalogue, please confirm our Safety Precautions for All Automotive Relays in advance. General xb```b`` 2AX,;:5dh``X9"%GFY#Q$PQPAPBP Xt2:Ks%0s ~|ZV20h%gXp1 << 0000005442 00000 n Omron Relay Cross Reference, Omron Relay Cross Reference Suppliers Directory - Find variety Omron Relay Cross Reference Suppliers, Manufacturers, Companies from around the World at cross fan motor ,moto cross ,cross necklace, Relays By subscribing youll always be up to date on Macromatic. stream 0000005442 00000 n 0000000016 00000 n 0000008153 00000 n trailer 0000050413 00000 n Founded in 1974, providing switching solutions for Industrial, Automotive, Appliance, HVAC, Power and Green Energy Applications. 4 0 obj /BitsPerComponent 8 *7}!]guZ^)= n3Cu Because critical parameters such as coil resistance, must operate voltage, terminal footprint, etc. Cross Reference; Products. I/O Relay Terminals I/O Relay Terminals simplify connecting PLCs and other Controllers and help reduce wiring in control panels. Media Coverage from IoT World, Exhibited Wireless Weather Sensor and IoT gateway for the First Time in U.S. Sensor Technology Mouser Electronics. 0000003710 00000 n 0000049730 00000 n %&'()*456789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz Song Chuan is a world class provider manufacturer of power electromechanical relays with over 45+ years of experience. Link for Safety Precautions for All Automotive RelaysDC Power Relay Common Precautions. 9` Hs"RDhK^V;(BF` 9JS(pO=&H/iEHN)Cb5rH4pC@7s:9N8;*r,Q%}4Dv*NDD;$/. Omron Sensor Cross Reference Omron Sensor Cross Reference ECB OMRON EMC Americas Americas. 10 Things Your Competitors Can Teach You About Omron Relay Cross Reference Ask Me Anything: 10 Answers to Your Questions About Omron Relay Cross Reference Party No Google. Tests are included when necessary. 0000001118 00000 n 2248 28 0000002431 00000 n ( Automotive relays are provided in a design, production and quality structure that complies with the quality assurance system specified by each manufacturer, considering being installed in vehicles. The new OMRON G3VM-401 and G3VM-601 offer high dielectric strength and high operating temperatures for applications in electric meters and industrial control. Title: IDEC Relay Cross Reference guide Author: Steve Created Date: 3/27/2016 12:16:31 PM Stabilization and High accuracy of detection and Measurement, Low Capacity Between Terminals Low on Resistance Types, Ultra Subminiature Basic Switches (J-Size), Small Pushbutton Switches/Small Indicator, Crimped MIL Connector Sockets for Discrete Wires, Easy-wire Connectors for Industrial Components, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connector, Light Convergent Reflective Sensors/Diffuse Reflective Sensors, Solution for Printed Circuit Board Designers, Light Convergent and Light Diffuse Reflective Sensor's Application, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connectors, Mirror surface, Black, Transparent object detection, Flow rate, Wind speed, Differential pressure detection, Electronic Solutions for the Energy Market, The Ultimate Gaming Mouse for Professional Gamers, RoHS compliance status / Certificate of Non-inclusion download. %%EOF {{ 'mycompany.priceandinventory.noOfProducts' | translate(crossReference.meta.totalResults) }}, {{product.crossReferenceProduct ? Omron can not relays cross reference suited for different uses available at lowest prices. ;c3 00Ll% eD"A Copyright OMRON Corporation 2023 All Rights Reserved. We use cookies to ensure that we give you the best experience on our website. Copyright OMRON Corporation 2023 All Rights Reserved. If you have any questions regarding these cross-references, or need to cross reference any product not listed, please contact Macromatic. 0 Omrons dependable relays set the ultimate standard for reliability, ease of testing and compatibility with momentary voltage drops. Standard and Intermotor Relays are the product of high-quality design, testing, and manufacturing. Versatile usage for sever- al different kinds of applica- tions inside the relay boxes. 0000002431 00000 n from your search. % Relays are devices making or braking electric circuits by their output section driven by operational signal, which is triggered by electric input signal controlled by switching devices. Terminal Blocks & Wiring Power Circuit Protection Enclosures Tools Pneumatics Appendix Product Index Part # Index Volume 13 Proximity Sensor Cross-reference $4%&'()*56789:CDEFGHIJSTUVWXYZcdefghijstuvwxyz ? ( endstream endobj 2249 0 obj<>/StructTreeRoot 8 0 R/Metadata 2246 0 R/MarkInfo<>>> endobj 2251 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/StructParents 0>> endobj 2252 0 obj<> endobj 2253 0 obj[2269 0 R] endobj 2254 0 obj<>stream Hoofddorp, Netherlands, Tuesday, 10 January 2023 - OMRON Electronic Components Europe has expanded its extensive range of MOSFET relays with two new devices. OMRON's Terminal Relay Series contributes to saving space in control panels. Use the fields below to find IDEC alternatives to competitor parts. I have tried Fleetcross here at work but come up with nada. w !1AQaq"2B #3Rbr endstream endobj 2255 0 obj<> endobj 2256 0 obj<> endobj 2257 0 obj<>stream January 17th 23:00 to 24:00 The website will be maintained and cannot be accessed temporarily. Y'#9mrY/aY0-'#g$"WZq-'wMG\\ K,XT68[dU chi%&g h4'2pvJU9/(BF` 9JS%r=&H/iEHs@fT%Q~A!w:u!RDPH#&C4XGGwC@cNi$*St6D %h;ix3ZtJh4/UsgJ"t.Vc" Please specify at least two alphanumeric characters to search for a model. 2248 0 obj <> endobj 0000076187 00000 n OMRON does not make any warranties with regard to the accuracy or integrity of this information. } !1AQa"q2#BR$3br 0000050343 00000 n Omron basically can not support for individual customers. H\@F>E-Zuo d1?Lfh%-tTY =0Beqw]N&9>Lv.u9S%5M[O4jH2;ri_27jCxNc;?IaM&3eipLj^Ik/&%s,uPaSHY|JLBwkcQ.e6+ y&-H[zNyF,iK BIJ$Or$W1g"$vL3cj][B@.-tnt] iEz'Sg,kN$uS~Os)~?9?S~0gt]{C@.Nvv=*zUiWq(pP,S1*0R 0000004627 00000 n The numbers 1-40 represent the 40 spring terminals of the module. The information we refer to is derived from OMRONs estimates based on the official information of each manufacturer at the time the information was obtained. OMRON does not make any warranties with regard to the accuracy or integrity of this information. Furthermore, this information is subject to change without prior notice. 507HT High Temperature Low Profile Version 17A PCB Relay. Basically, Omron can not sell our automotive relays for NO car maker or companies NOT related to automotive. 2250 0 obj<>stream Copyright OMRON Corporation 2023 All Rights Reserved. 0000075720 00000 n 0000010196 00000 n Designed by Top Floor, California Consumer Privacy Act Disclosure, Use Our Cross Reference to Find Replacement Relays. 0000075720 00000 n Stabilization and High accuracy of detection and Measurement, Selling for car makers and companies related to Automotive, Low Capacity Between Terminals Low on Resistance Types, Ultra Subminiature Basic Switches (J-Size), Small Pushbutton Switches/Small Indicator, Crimped MIL Connector Sockets for Discrete Wires, Easy-wire Connectors for Industrial Components, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connector, Light Convergent Reflective Sensors/Diffuse Reflective Sensors, Solution for Printed Circuit Board Designers, Light Convergent and Light Diffuse Reflective Sensor's Application, Testing Socket for Devices with USB Type C Connectors, Mirror surface, Black, Transparent object detection, Flow rate, Wind speed, Differential pressure detection, Electronic Solutions for the Energy Market, The Ultimate Gaming Mouse for Professional Gamers, RoHS compliance status / Certificate of Non-inclusion download, Link for Safety Precautions for All Automotive Relays. Kawasaki 99994-0556 - KIT-ACCESSORY,RELAY : MRCycles. Electromechanical Relay Selection Guide Relay Solutions Brochure. Something really wrong with your supplier, this is a standard Omron relay, available at about 50 different places, I have posted ones that are under $20. $1.00-$19.00 / piece. Go to Macromatic Competitive Cross-Reference. 0000001283 00000 n Ht7F~xmizi6@!D4J`|ylEu:>_E=_? The relays are ideal for automation panels, control systems, and conveyor control. ISO Relay G8HL Automotive Micro ISO relay (Plug-in/PCB) Dimensions (Unit: mm) * Tolerance unless otherwise specified Less than 1 mm: 0.1 mm Less than 1 to 3 mm: 0.2 mm 3 mm or Automotive Relays which compliant with many kinds of applications, Global standard automotive Plug-in Relays (ISO Relays), DC Power Relays capable of interrupting high-voltage, high-current loads. With regard to usage of searched products, please check the latest information for the relevant product and evaluate for yourself its suitability for use in your intended applications. BSVR (19F, 4078 Relay) BSZ5 (21F, 4100 Relay) BSZ6 (T81, 4101 Relay) BJ (32F, T77 Relay) BJS (46F Relay) BJH (33F Relay) BRD (T73, 3FF Relay) BRF (152F Relay) BRU (21FF Relay) BRT1 /Type /XObject Learn about new products, new people, and new resources. 0000049927 00000 n Ht7F~xmizi6@!D4J`|ylEu:>_E=_? Song Chuan Relays Competitor-Cross Reference Chart Industry Leader for Electromechanical Relays, Electronic Relays, Relay Sockets and Custom R&D TIP: You can use your Control+F for endstream endobj 2249 0 obj<>/StructTreeRoot 8 0 R/Metadata 2246 0 R/MarkInfo<>>> endobj 2251 0 obj<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text]/ExtGState<>>>/StructParents 0>> endobj 2252 0 obj<> endobj 2253 0 obj[2269 0 R] endobj 2254 0 obj<>stream 2022 Macromatic Industrial Controls, Inc. All rights reserved. Product Cross Reference. 0000000016 00000 n ;c3 00Ll% eD"A They are ideal for output interfaces. Push-In Terminal Block PCB Connectors Designed with a Unique Dual-Spring Structure for Enhanced Ease of Use, Electronics Solutions for the Energy Market. >> Sorry, we have detected unusual traffic from your network. bz5-cC6If#R!t"++3)?2[`;:;" 2248 0 obj <> endobj Subscribe to OmronNow today for enhanced access to tools, resources and the latest news from Omron! Tests are included when necessary. 0000007166 00000 n OMRON High Performance Switches for the Esports Gaming Industry | January 26, 600 VDC, 50 A High Capacity Power Relay with Bidirectional Switching. 0000049927 00000 n >y"ILFU8ziI.% T>DXnUvf[Z!0v$0Ei D84_V KpA&q/ ZsE }E7kk]i)'=])a$PEy4D@hFQgA nu2h6^uZu|/h- 83l@%p8+~A=PmH1=TU&PU5c uco_K# Fi= CHD| uBw ;[_W Local: (262) 781-3366. Proper testing over multiple ratings, automotive relay to one automotive relay cross reference chart is once a denso. NWeW1_)^G2Wf_6'fTblr^9J;v`tYUGA~Eg8%. 0000076187 00000 n 0000010126 00000 n Every effort has been made to insure that these products are electrically and functionally equivalent to the Macromatic products except as noted. These world-class products perform reliably in tough environments to keep your productivity up, maintenance time down and long-term cost of Industry Leader for Electromechanical Relays, Electronic Relays, Relay Sockets and Custom R&D. 0000006354 00000 n Omron and car makers or companies related to automotive confirm relay specifications and actual using condition to use relays safely. The 792 Series plug-in relays offer clear or full-feature covers with multiple mounting options and accessories. Top 10 Best Step Counter Pedometer April 2018 Buyer s. Schneider Electric USA SE Relays. rating single pole change over relay plug in spdt 46.61-230-ac 16a g2r1-sni-ac240 10a 46.61-110-ac 16a g2r1-sni-ac110 10a 0000076159 00000 n Relays/ Timers Comm. 0000009255 00000 n The information we refer to is derived from OMRONs estimates based on the official information of each manufacturer at the time the information was obtained. 0000008292 00000 n 43 S. Powerline Road #602 The relays are rated from 6-12 A for standard versions, and at 3 A for low-level versions. Take this coolant fan relay for example: 0000004627 00000 n Macromatics extensive online Competitive Cross Reference lists over 10,000 relays cross-referenced to Macromatic models. Type in a part number or series number and find the replacement for your unavailable or obsolete relay! Macromatic offers this cross-reference as a service to our customers to assist in the selection of replacement products. 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